Friday, March 22, 2013

It's the greatest time of year.

And while typing that I need to share that this will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the night.. Click!

Anyways! One thing that I have every single day, no matter what, is a cup of coffee -- All different kinds, from all different places. As much as I love my Keurig and making my own coffee, this coffee is something different. It is almost... magical! That's right, folks. It's THAT time of year!


There is just something special about drinking a cup of coffee that could potentially win you a car, or at least a free donut. This year I've received "Win Free Coffee or Latte" and one "Free Donut." No car, no grill, no gift card, but I still continue to buy them. 

The thing I find even funnier than the craze to buy these cups (I saw a photo online of a girl who got 29 EMPTY cups for her 29th birthday.) is the unique ways people roll them -- before they drink it, midway through, after, with their fingers, with their teeth... you name it. I personally use my teeth and go all the way around until the rim is completely unrolled. How do you roll?

What makes a cup of coffee with a prize under the rim so special, when 90% of the time it is a loser? The world may never know. 

(P.s. All cups pictured above are winners. They are starting to take over my room.)

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