Monday, April 8, 2013

Can failure be a good option?

This morning as I was watching the news, I noticed a controversial issue that caught my attention. It was not over something political or some sort of crime or new law. It revolves around a blog.

The blog is called Fail Detroit. It is a blog where people from the Detroit area can share times when they have failed and what they have learned from their failure. It is based around the notion "it is not where you start, but how you finish."

I spent awhile reading through and exploring the blog, this morning. One of my favorite lines from the entire thing was....

While the City of Detroit has had its share of failures throughout its history, we know that failure is not its final outcome. Each and every day, Detroit advances forward as a result of the lessons that have been learned through its trials and missteps. As Detroiters, we believe that the best is yet to come.

How true that is.

Many people have a problem with this blog and are asking question like "why must Detroit's failures be displayed like this? They are already on the news every day." or "Why highlight failure?"

I see no problem with this blog and in fact think it is a great outlet for people to go to to see that if they fail, they are not alone.  It is a place for people to learn about other's struggles, before they may make the same mistakes themselves. It is a place to belong.

I encourage everyone to take a read through this blog. It is located at

Also, to read more, you can read the story Fox 2 News wrote regarding Fail Detroit. Fox 2 - Fail Detroit.

Everyone fails, but its how we recover from failure that really counts.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I took a quick peek at Fail Detroit and love it so far! Will definitely be adding it to my "read" list! Thank you for sharing such great info! Detroit gets a lot of flack, and while not all of it undeserved... much of it is. It's always great to see something positive about the city spring up! Thanks for sharing!
